Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Florida on the March for Marvin Lee Anderson

Remember Martin Lee Anderson, the young man who died at the hands of the guards (who were later acquitted)?

Get your calendars out. March on Tuesday in Tallahassee. If there were any way I could go!

The Florida State Conference NAACP is mobilizing thousands of people from across the state and nation to support the "Justice for Martin Lee Anderson" march and rally Tuesday to demand justice in the death of Anderson, a black 14-year-old, who was killed while in the custody of the Bay County Sheriff’s Department Boot Camp in January 2006.

The march begins at 11:00 am Tuesday at the Tallahassee Civic Center and will proceed to the Federal Courthouse.

1 comment:

Raven said...

Wish I could be there. I remember the first time I saw this on t.v., and I cried thinking of what he went through, and what his mother must have felt, seeing your baby being beaten by -- how many adults? -- with a so-called "nurse" standing by doing nothing. Anyone who thinks there is any 14-year-old child anywhere that deserves this kind of treatment either has never had children or is a sick individual. The only good to come out of this is that Florida's boot camps will be closed down, but where is the justice for this boy and his family?